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314 Fire Sheep - Full Cycle Takeout

Fire Sheep: GitHub Pages Repository

Fire Sheep: GitHub FullCycleTakeout Repository

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Fire Sheep: Team Contract


Table of Contents


Vision: A visually clean ordering page for users to easily place orders with Full Cycle Takeout.

Full Cycle Takeout - A pilot program by the non-profit Zero Waste O’ahu (Zero Waste Hawaii).

Their mission is to reduce the waste produced by single-use containers and utensils by renting out re-usable ones. Having a web application will be able to reduce the burden on both customers and the organization.

This applications can be modified and applied more generally for use in other places like in UH. Supporting for their own rental or loan services with different types of items.

Tech Stack

User Guide

Descriptions of the pages a user will be able to interact with.

Landing Page

Gives a brief overview of how to use the web application. Will explain how to use the site for both normal users and admins.

Sign-up/ -in/ -out page

Will be in a drop-down on a navigation bar. The choices will vary based on sign-in status (signed in or not).

Sign up: User will input their desired username and password. If the username does not exist already, the account will be created and the user will be signed in.

Sign in: If a user has an account they will be able to sign in using their username and password.

Sign out: After pressing the user will receive a confirmation that they are signed out.

Order Page

The main page that the user will be interacting with. Users will be given a brief description of each item. As well as a method to modify the amount of containers they wish to rent out.

After inputting their desired quantities they will click the ‘Place Order’ button, which takes them to the ‘Confirmation Page’

Milestone 1 Mockup

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Confirmation Page

After pressing the place order button. Data will be transferred from order page to give the user a brief overview of their total order. Data such as total number of individual items are shown.

At this stage is when the user will select their form of payment or collateral to rent their items.

Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Result Page

After confirming their order the user will receive an Order ID and qr Code which can be shared to others to view the order.

An overview of their items will also be shown.

Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

History Page

Will only be accessible for users that are signed in. Will display the user’s previous orders, the items rented in the order, as well as their status.

Planned design

Milestone 3

Search Page

This page is only accessible to admin accounts.

Admins are able to see a list of orders in a similar fashion to the ‘History Page’. By copying and pasting or typing the orderID into the search, they will be able to access the ‘Return Page.’ *** Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Return Page

This page is only accessible to admin accounts.

Order details will be listed like the ‘Result Page,’ but will have access to a ‘return’ button. Pressing this button will change the status of the order to ‘returned.’


You can find our running project using the link below. Link to: Fire Sheep Full Cycle Takeout

Community Feedback

Please fill out this form to send us feedback: you can also click here.

General Feedback Received

Developer guide

Step 1: Install Meteor

Step 2: Clone our application

Step 3: After opening the project cd into app directory.

$ meteor npm install

Step 4: Run the application using.

$ meteor npm run start

Go to http://localhost:3000 to see your project.

Development History

Starting the project for the Hawaii Annual Code Challenge 2023, the code was developed utilizing things outside the required tech stack for the ICS 314 project.

So using UH Bowfolios as a template, we started converting our HACC project into the required tech stack of ICS 314.


Milestone 1 Mockup and HACC

M1 Milestone project page

Milestone 2 Meteor development

M2 Milestone project page

Milestone 3 Additional features + Clean up

M3 Milestone project page